H.E.R.B. - Hemp Education and Research Associates of Belize
the Many Uses
for Industrial Hemp and its Potential for
Food, Fiber, Fuel, Medicine, Building
Materials, Farming
Free Online: The
Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack
Herer, or purchase book online (most
booksellers). The definitive book on the
history and many uses of hemp.
Hemp Bound - Dispatches from
the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural
Revolution by Doug Fine..."A
Blueprint for the America of the Future" -
Can be ordered from ACRES book store
Growing Hemp for
Profit e-book by Paul
Benhaim...CEO Hemp Foods Australia and of
Elixinol Global Ltd.
The Essential Cannabis Book: A Field
Guide for the Curious by Rob Mejia...order
Marketing (products, buy,
sell, explore)
Hemp, Inc....Investors,
Products, Services, Hemp University
Much Hemp...Belize hemp Products...
hemp based body care...sun protection...bug
protection...after sun burn or bug
bite...soothing healing...hemp clothes, bags
and hats...and hemp education...in Hopkins
Article 28 of the Single Convention
(Cannabis Prohibition) This Convention shall not apply to
the cultivation of the cannabis plant
exclusively for industrial purposes
(fibre and seed) or horticultural
purposes. Acceded by Belize December 18,
Status Report Industrial Hemp project in
Hawaii 2003: "In this project I
was able to demonstrate that the genetic
potential exists within the world's hemp
germplasm to create a variety of hemp capable
of growing in a few months in a tropical
environment a forest of 10 foot plants to
provide fiber to any of a long list of
industries. I had the plants: I showed it
could be done." David P. West, Ph.D.